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Jo Chapman

Embracing the magic of Beginners Mind...

Hello there curious people…

Today, we're diving into the realm of the "beginner's mind." It's like stepping into a garden of unexplored possibilities, where every flower holds the potential for a delightful surprise.

First things first, what is this "beginner's mind" anyway? Well, it's a concept rooted in Zen Buddhism, At its core, beginner's mind is about approaching life with openness, eagerness, and a lack of preconceptions. It's that childlike wonder you had when you first discovered bubbles or the joy of running barefoot on fresh grass. In a beginners mind you are:

  • Free of preconceptions of how anything works

  • Free of expectations about what will happen

  • Filled with curiosity to understand things more deeply

  • Open to a world of possibilities, since you don’t yet know what is or isn’t possible

As some of you know, I started to learn to play golf last year. Golf is the perfect game for a beginner's mind as there is so much to learn! Imagine you're stepping onto the golf course for the first time. The sun is kissing the greens, and the air is filled with the sweet scent of freshly cut grass. As a beginner, you're not fretting over perfect form or worrying about the eagle-eyed veterans behind you. No, you're just eager to take that first swing, feel the breeze, and see where the ball lands. That's beginner's mind in action – the art of embracing the unknown with a golf glove-clad high-five to the universe. As I play more, I’m taking this initial wonder with me into this often-frustrating sport – trying to savour the unknow, the possibilities, the time spent in the open air.

Have you ever noticed how routine can turn our daily adventures into autopilot mode? We drive the same route to work, sip the same coffee, and navigate our calendars with the precision of a well-programmed robot. But what if, just for a moment, we allowed ourselves to see the familiar with new eyes?

Imagine walking into your office building and noticing the patterns of sunlight dappling the floor for the first time. Or tasting your morning coffee as if it were a mysterious elixir with hints of ancient wisdom. That, my friend, is the magic of beginner's mind – injecting a touch of novelty into the seemingly mundane.

Let's address the elephant in the room – the fear of looking like a clueless idiot. We've all been there, haven't we? The fear of being the new kid on the block, the rookie who fumbles with the coffee machine like it's an alien artifact. But what if we embraced our cluelessness with a playful grin?

Being a beginner doesn't mean you're behind; it means you're standing on the edge of discovery. Remember the first time you rode a bike? It wasn't about nailing the perfect balance on the first try; it was about the wind in your hair and the thrill of forward motion. Beginner's mind invites us to revel in the process, to appreciate the awkward wobbles as much as the triumphant rides.

In essence, beginner's mind is an invitation to dance with the unknown, to pirouette through the uncertainties with a playful spirit. It's a reminder that expertise doesn't have to be a heavy mantle; it can be a light, ever-evolving cloak that adapts to the twists and turns of our journey.

Here's a challenge for you… Get curious by channelling your inner five-year-old

Ask someone to explain a problem or subject to you in as simple language as possible. Don’t assume anything. Ask them the simplest questions, like “Why?” and “How does that work?” and “Why do you do it that way?” and “Can you say more about that?” (Or, swap roles, and try your hand at explaining it in the simplest language possible.)

Let's vow to approach life with the glee of a beginner, to savour the richness of every experience, and to find joy in the delightful surprises that come our way. After all, the beauty of beginner's mind lies not in what we know, but in our unbridled excitement to discover what we don't.

Happy wandering, fellow beginners!


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